Minimal Gear believes that all people deserve the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors safely and confidently.
As a small outdoor gear company, we make products that help people better enjoy their time outside, and we think we do that pretty well. However, we also strive to be an advocate for change in the outdoor industry that has traditionally been out of reach for many long-standing marginalized and excluded communities.
Since Minimal Gear's founding, we have put our money where our values are and supported underrepresented groups in the outdoor community. While we will continue to provide support in this fashion, we want to do more and will continue to learn and evolve as a business. We want to better advocate, reflect and respond to the diverse experiences of folks in our community.
One way Minimal Gear does this is by listening to our customers and our community. Just as we seek feedback from our customers on our products, we also seek feedback from our customers on how Minimal Gear, and by extension, our brands, can be better companies that are more inclusive, equitable and diverse. We see this as a journey that likely won’t have an ending, and we plan to engage our customers and community throughout the life of the business. We are going to make mistakes along the way and will probably upset some people. But we promise that we will do our best to be transparent and open to feedback and criticism that is aimed at making Minimal Gear better- both as a company and as individuals.
On a larger scale, we need to shape the outdoor industry into a space that feels welcoming to all. The outdoors is for everyone. But we understand there are systemic and financial hurdles to accessing these wild spaces. We are working to address these issues through philanthropy, voice, & action.
We believe that together, we can make the changes that will make the outdoors industry better for all of us. Do you have a change you'd like to see? Feel free to reach out to us - these conversations are important.
In an effort to hold ourselves accountable and increase transparency, we publish our internal impact goals each year. See our goals for 2023 here.
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